Time, why is it when we have so much to do, time seems to fly by, to where when all is said and done when you are finished, it’s time to start dinner or get ready for another errand leaving other things you wanted to get done that day undone or the project you were working on unfinished? Other times, when you don’t have anything to do, time seems to drag along in a never-ending lull that seems like it will take forever to pass. Some people preach the “use time wisely, or you need to manage your time better. As crafters, we have so many projects that need to be done that sometimes time management doesn’t seem to work. We try timers and alarms to help us keep track of our time, but that leaves so many projects undone that we are constantly thinking about what we have left to do and about when we can get back to that project. There is no cure for this or no miracle app that will make everything better. We, as self-employed crafters, have to go with the flow. Why go with the flow, you ask? Well, it’s simple, life happens. Life, like time, is never-ending. It is always flowing, evolving, and changing for the better or the worst. We cannot control what may happen. We have no control over that random road construction that will add 10 minutes or longer to your commute to the store. That unexpected epoxy mishap may cause time for cleaning up that was not planned for. We as humans never know what may happen in our day that may alter plans or our perception of how the day should unfold. As crafters, we add variables each day with every project we do. We can plan what projects we would like to do and an approximate time it might take, but there is never a guarantee as to the exact time. There is no specific time for them. We may add flourishes to our projects that we have never added before or even change the method we use to obtain our goal or vision for that project. These variables may add time to what we do. They may also make the task faster. No matter what, time is always a constant in what we do or how we do it. Time is a never-ending movement of the day which we have no control over. We just have to make do with what we can do during the time has given us and make the best of it. Enjoy the time we have. Craft, do gorgeous projects but most of all, be yourself and make time for what matters, you, family, and life itself. Until next time, Happy thoughts to you all!
The History of Lum & AbnerLum and Abner was an American network radio comedy program created by Chester Lauck and Norris Goff that was aired from 1931 to 1954. Modeled on life in the small town of Waters, Arkansas, near where Lauck and Goff grew up, the show proved immensely popular. In 1936, Waters changed its name to Pine Ridge after the show’s fictional town.Lum & Abner Festival We here at Phoenix Creations Ent are proud that we will be a part of the 44th Annual Lum & Abner Festival on June 4th and 5th. This has been a dream of ours for 10 years. The festival features many great artists with their live entertainment. In addition to live entertainment, enjoy wonderful arts and crafts, great food, the awesome Lum & Abner Car, Truck, and Motorcycle Show, Kiddie Korner with playground and bounce houses, the Lum & Abner 5K Run/Walk, the Lum & Abner 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament, Fishing Derbies, the RE/MAX Baby Crawlin’ Contest, the Flying Houndz Frizbee Dog Show and more!* The festival is held here in our home town of Mena, Arkansas at the beautiful Jansen Park. This festival happens on the first weekend of June yearly. Join us and the many different vendors, artists, and entertainers for some family fun. Let’s get out and support the community. Until next time and as always, Happy thoughts to you all! Have you ever wondered, I have this Cricut machine, what next? One of my favorite YouTube Vloggers is Kayla's Cricut Creations. She sits down and shows you how to do something and is very plain and down to Earth. She shows you to the best of her ability why something is done and how you can achieve results that you can be proud of. Watch her videos and decide for yourself. I personally think she is awesome! I know this was a short blog, trust me Friday will have a blog that is longer. Hope you enjoyed this short blog….and as always. Happy thoughts to you all! *Image is Registered to Kayla's Cricut Creations
Here is a little look at some of the fairs that we attended in 2019. This year was a great year for us and we can't wait till our next fair. Back in Spring of 2019 we attended the Spring Fest Craft Fair in Norman Arkansas. We had a blast enjoying Great music and an awesome time meeting new people. At the beginning of November of 2019, We attended the Polk County Craft Fair. This was the third year that we had attended this fair. We love meeting new people each time that we go. We have enjoyed going to the different fairs and hope that we get to attend more fairs as the year progress. Every time we meet new people and have an awesome time. Enjoy the small things in life, even if it is part of your business. If you are not having fun, then it's not worth dong. Hope you enjoyed this little blast from the past! Until Next time, Happy thoughts to you all! #throwbackthursday
With summer coming in about 2 months, it is time to start planning on activities for the kids to do. So how about getting some supplies, and letting the kids get crafty? Below are 5 ideas that we found that would get the kids away from those electronics and into doing crafty things. Click the picture of each craft idea to be taken directly to the source where you will find all the instructions for the craft. Hope you enjoy the ideas and until next time, Happy Thoughts to You All! Sisters Suitcase Blog Have your kiddos found that water spray bottle and started to spray each other with it? Well Sisters Suitcase Blog has the perfect idea for you. Your kids can get their spraying desires out of the way and be creative at the same time. Domestic Charm With it getting hot outside, and kids wanting to cool off in the water or maybe have a water balloon fight, but you don't want to fill all those balloons up with water and tie them. Domestic Charm has the idea for you. With these water bombs, they can just keep using the same ones to have hours of water fun. The Artful Parent How many times have we told our kids not to blow through a straw? Well, The Artful Parent has a craft idea that would allow them to blow through a straw and make gorgeous art at the same time. Kids Activities Blog Kids Activities Blog has the perfect craft for the snake lover. Kids can make as many as they want to create their own little den of the slithering snakes. They can make their own color patterns for their new little pets. Organized Island
Organized Island has an awesome idea for kids to make their own butterflies. These Coffee Filter Butterflies are an awesome addition to any butterfly lovers collection! Kids would have a blast making these and designing their own color patterns. *This Blog is not sponsored, or is this blog paid by Cricut in any way*
Throughout time, humans have made things with their hands. They were feeling each part of the item with their fingers. The texture, the temperature of the material, even the hardness of it. That raw form, waiting to be made into something else. Wood waiting to be cut, carved and pieced together. Fabric to be cut and sewn into a beautiful outfit or blanket. Clay anxious to be sculpted into a practical everyday dish or a gorgeous piece of art. The materials anymore are endless in the way of what can be done with what, especially with the advent of synthetics. Plastics, polymers, and other synthetic materials have led to a boom in the countless creations that can be crafted. With all of this availability, the question at hand remains. Why crafts?
To me, it’s simple, why not crafts? Crafts help me to relax, to unwind after a long day of “adulting.” I can sit down and work on designing an item, getting the materials together, and making the item. Or I can watch some videos on a new craft or method to do an art piece I already know and put that new knowledge into practice using that new skill. Crafting is more than just making some cute little trinket. It’s learning skills to help make everyday items that are useful and fun to look at or show off. I know a lot of people use crafts as a way to unwind only. Something to do while watching “The Masked Singer” or whatever show they like. Me, I just craft not only to relax but to learn and improve my skillset. I use it to exercise my mind and to be proud of what I have created. I am proud of what I create, whether it is the first time or making it over fifty times. I make them and step back and look at what I have created. Crafts is a way to learn, grow, and create new creations. To admire your accomplishment and to grow from your failures and try again. Crafting isn’t for everyone initially, but with the right tools, materials, and mindset, you can create incredible creations. All you have to do is just try it. You might just find your new favorite thing to do. If you don’t like it, well, this is always fishing. That’s all for now. I hope you enjoyed this little wild thought. Until Next time, Happy thoughts to you all! ![]() I begin to think about all of the questions I have been asked over the years. One question, in particular, pops out to me as I hear it frequently. This question always seems to reside in conversions with friends, family, and even new acquaintances. That question is, “Isn’t this just a Hobby, or is it a passion?” To me, it isn’t as cut and dry as being a hobby or a passion. It’s more of a combination of the two parts, the complexity of loving to do something to relax and enjoying it simultaneously. I then sell the item so that others might enjoy what I have created. Therefore, I love to do what may have been at the beginning a hobby, and I want to sell the item for others to enjoy; it has become my hobby and passion. You might ask, why sell your hard work in the first place? You have spent so much time creating it, don’t you want to keep it and enjoy it yourself? The answers are simple. To answer the first question as to why I sell my hard work. The answer is simple and straightforward, for the enjoyment of others. I see their comments about how they enjoy the product and how they would love to get another gift for a friend or relative. Knowing that something that I have created brings joy to someone else as it brought joy to myself as I made the item. That is why I sell my hard work. Now to answer the second question as to why I don’t keep the item for my enjoyment. The simple answer is that I enjoyed making the item, and I want to share in that enjoyment. I want to share that joy I had so that another person can be as happy as I was. I learn by making items, whether it is an easier way to make the item or better material. Each item that I make is still unique to me as a crafter, so why keep it to myself. The things I sell benefit me in other ways. They help me pay that unexpected bill or get a new piece of equipment. That item may just pay for that little treat for myself. I still get enjoyment from them. As I sit here thinking about the question, how I feel about each item and smiling at the fun I had made them. What do you think? Is what I do a hobby, or is it my passion? Maybe a symbiotic mixture of the two? Let me know what you think in the comments. Happy thoughts to you all The Inner Thoughts of Phoenix Creations Ent. is a blog that has the Wild Inner Thoughts of Crafters. This can be anywhere from answers to questions that we get, to how we do things. Who knows what we might come up with in the future. As we get into the groove of blogging you will see more and more of the inner personality that is P.C.E. We hope that you will enjoy.